Thread: Jea-lousy
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Old 10-20-2006, 03:14 PM   #14
Thats "Miss Zipper Neck" to you.
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Location: little town (but not the littlest) in texas
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Originally Posted by lhatcher
I beg to differ. You can make someone jealous by accident only once. Then, when you know you've made them jealous, any continuation is based on a decision to do so. When someone does something that bothers me and I tell them about it and ask them not to do it again, I may forgive 1 or 2 more but if they continue to do it they're doing in on purpose and you have to wonder why.
He's only volunteerly admitted to being jealous a couple of times, the other times it took me a while to figure it out and call him on it.
Different things make people jealous tho. I might tell my b/f about how one guy I know from school made me feel better, but that I wish that he had been there to comfort me instead. It might make my boy a bit jealous of the other guy but really poses no threat to him. But when I talk about a certain guy from work he has gotten jealous b/c he feels like I might have a crush on him. My b/f doesn't always tell me when I say something that makes him jealous. Plus it is harder for me to determine what will make him jealous or not, I don't have much experience with jealousy. So it is not an emotion I consider very often. I don't want to hide things from my b/f either, then I feel guilty, and I have hidden a crush I had from him before, not to keep him from getting jealous, but because I didn't want to hurt him or make him mistrusting of me. If I tell him about the guys (and sometimes girls) I hang out with and sometimes flirt with then I feel more comfortable, I'm not hiding anything that can hurt us later. He reasures me that his being jealous is a problem he has to work on, when I tell him a story I reassure him that I have no feelings/desire toward whoever, but him.

Bri-sorry to take away from your own issue, but all I can say is that you need to tell him your feelings on the subject. Be open about being jealous, he may truly have no idea and the only way to make sure is to talk about it.
Addicts may suck dick for coke, but love came up with the idea to put a dick in there to begin with.
-Jack O'Brien
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