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Old 10-23-2006, 02:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Posts: 2,656
Getting a lava plant to bloom

I got a "Red Smalltalk Anthurium Lava Plant" (pic below) as a gift earlier this year. It had 3 blooms on it at the time. They're dead now, but the plant itself is thriving. Anyone know how I can get the flowers to come back?

The plant grows out of a lava rock that sits in a dish of water. I have to refill the water every couple of days, and it's kind of a pain to get someone to babysit it when I'm out of the office. I'm not sure it's worth the effort to keep futzing with it if it's only going to be a rock with a dozen (and more on the way) green leaves coming out of it. But my sister paid like 50 bucks for it and I want to keep it if I can make it look cool again. Any cellar horticulturists have an answer?
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