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Old 11-02-2006, 01:25 AM   #5
Wearing her bitch boots
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Floriduh
Posts: 1,181
My opinions:

I've only passed through Dubai, but have lived and worked in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia primarily. My first husband was a Saudi. So I am basing my opinions on the area in general and not so much on Dubai specifically.

Women in the Middle East are not treated well, to put it mildly. Western women are objects of curiosity and mockery as well as despised for what is seen as a blatent disregard for the law of the land (dressing modestly, submission to head of household, subservience, etc.)

Arab men, particularly rich Arab men, feel supremely superior to their western counter-parts. The non-Arabs they hire are as servants, laborers and grunts.

There are many restrictions on activities for a woman. Places she cannot go, restaurants and hotels where she is not welcome, things that are forbidden. Many are not communicated until you find yourself on the wrong side of a jail cell (or deported). Jail there is much worse than here, and unless you have a diplomatic passport, you can expect little help from the local embassy.

The only way I know of to find a job in an arab country is to go through an agency or to 'know someone'. They don't advertise or take applications.

There is next to nothing to do on a day to day basis unless you enjoy sitting around drinking chai and shooting the breeze. There are the few rare trips to go scuba diving or snorkeling. Maybe you can go exploring the coast or desert.

The good news is the pay is pretty good. (It has to be to entice people to actually go there and stay for a whole year).

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
- Mahatma Gandhi
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