Thread: Beautiful women
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Old 11-02-2006, 11:41 AM   #21
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
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Originally Posted by Stormieweather
Well I'm intelligent enough to listen to and watch that video, then take what I want and leave the rest. The underlying message is that the beauty of advertising and the media is artificial. Therefore, it is impossible for the average young woman to measure up to this 'manufactured' beauty. I don't care what they're selling, the basis for that film is a good one.
Yes. I ignored BuDu. It was just another opportunity for her to tell us Americans that we are stupid Americans. Like I didn't totally get that it's advertising, but it's a form of advertising that sends a much needed message to young women. Much different than the Victoria's Secret ads (why during football games) smacking us in the face. I feel shamed when those ads come on, wondering why can't I look like that. Thinking every man and woman in the room is wondering why I don't look like that, this unworthy wart of a woman.

I see my beautiful nieces and hope they realize their beauty within as they grow up. My brother and sister-in-law are amazing, and if anyone has a chance at good self-esteem it is those girls...but you can't block what culture bombards you with at every billboard, every commercial, every movie, every magazine. I already see a sharp sensitivity in the oldest (6 years old) that hits way too close to home. I wish I could shield her from that kind of pain, but I know all I can do is everything I can do to help her see what a wonderful person she is...inside and out.

Edited to add: the "model" was totally cute before they turned her into a barbie, btw.
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones who need the advice.
--Bill Cosby
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