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Old 11-07-2006, 02:03 AM   #7
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Pastor Dismissed for ‘Sexually Immoral Conduct’
Published: November 5, 2006
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4 — In the wake of accusations by a former male escort that the Rev. Ted Haggard had a three-year sexual relationship with him, an independent oversight board at Mr. Haggard’s New Life Church on Saturday found that he had “committed sexually immoral conduct” and dismissed him as senior pastor.

Over the last few days, Mr. Haggard’s career as the founder of the 14,000-member New Life megachurch in Colorado Springs and as leader of the National Association of Evangelicals has crumbled under the weight of the accusations and his explanations. He initially denied knowing the former escort, Michael Jones, 49, of Denver. By Friday, Mr. Haggard revised his account and said he had gotten a massage from Mr. Jones and bought methamphetamine from him. Mr. Jones has denied selling drugs. Mr. Haggard said he never used the drugs. He has publicly denied any sexual relationship.

Nonetheless, he resigned on Thursday as president of the evangelical association and stepped down temporarily as the senior pastor of New Life until its Overseer Board, an independent panel made up of four pastors from other churches, completed an investigation.

In a one-page statement issued Saturday afternoon, the board said, “Our investigation and Pastor Haggard’s public statements have proven without a doubt that he has committed sexually immoral conduct.”

The statement, which was made available by the church’s lawyer, L. Martin Nussbaum, did not elaborate on the nature of the immoral conduct, and it did not cite specific statements Mr. Haggard made. The statement also suggested that the board did not speak to Mr. Jones, but Mr. Nussbaum could not be reached for further clarification.

“In consultation with leading evangelicals and experts familiar with the type of behavior Pastor Haggard has demonstrated, we have decided that the most positive and productive direction for our church is his dismissal,” the statement said. “Pastor Haggard and his wife have been informed of this decision. They have agreed as well that he should be dismissed.”

The statement said that “a letter of explanation and apology” from Mr. Haggard would be read at New Life’s 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday services.

Mr. Jones has said that his decision to disclose his relationship with Mr. Haggard was politically motivated. He has said that he found it hypocritical that Mr. Haggard would publicly support a ballot initiative in Colorado that would define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, while having gay liaisons.

Patton Dodd, a friend of Mr. Haggard’s who has edited seven of his books, said Mr. Haggard called him on Saturday and apologized. Mr. Dodd said that Mr. Haggard did not go into detail, but admitted that it did involve sexual transgressions.

“He’s coming clean with his family and friends,” Mr. Dodd said. Of the decision, he added, “I think it’s a good idea because this is the way for Ted and his family to get healing and restoration. He won’t have to worry about pastoring his church and can focus on being pastored himself.”
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