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Old 11-08-2006, 09:34 AM   #44
I can hear my ears
Join Date: Oct 2003
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Originally Posted by mrnoodle
This is my opinion, and not anything to do with God: you are desperately afraid of appearing less than totally perfect in your own life, and the fact that Christians are supposed to have the attitude of servants makes you nauseous. Chuck Norris worshipping God as his superior is the embodiment of weakness to you. He never mentioned organized religion once. Yet as your argument supporting "chuck norris is a cunt", you put the blame on organized religion. I call BS. I remember when you used to be questioning about faith, and were searching with an open mind (or appeared to be). Sounds like something scared you off, and all you have left is anger about it. Again, my opinion, and potentially wrong.
I have no anger about it. My calling chuck a cunt was intended to be funny. my sticking to it, intended to be even funnier. Fuck Chuck. i could care less if he is mr god-boy.

I have always questioned faith, and still do. I still search with an open mind. I continually refine my beliefs, but i don;t see myself having an epiphany one day and being re-born. I think that it is a bogus concept. If i 'sin', then i have to live with it. i have to own the responsibility for my actions. I can;t rely on forgiveness of some imagined diety*.
Not an idol, the most high God. If you can't feel inferior to your creator without developing a complex, your ego is a bit inflated.
If you believe literally that he is your creator, and created the heaven and earth, i agree. But why must you constantly remind yourself of it? why worship Him? To whose benefit is it? Yours? His?

When someone mentions Christ, it's because they want to share his truth, not lord it over someone because they're so morally superior.
funny. expressions come to be for a reason, usually. Lord it over. ironic in that context.
What you want is for people to hold their faith in Christ in as low esteem as possible, so as not to insinuate that Christ is lord. If we did that, we would not worship God, but something of our own creation. The God of heaven and earth is not a tidbit to be chosen from a sampler plate of human-concocted deities, put on a little shelf somewhere, and only brought out when no one is going to be offended.
Is that what i want? really?

Sometimes i think that i have some respect for your faith because you stick to your guns and plainly believe that what you're saying is right. then you say some stupid shit like that. wtf? I want xtians to hold their faith in low esteem? i wish they'd be more respectful of it.

as far as the sampler plate goes.....god is not a buffet item? all or nothing? to me the 'God of Heaven and Earth' doesn't mean what it does to you.

I think it is important to state that there are many degrees of religious believers. I have varying degrees of respect for them. If you truly believe, and you live your life according to your religion, and it is a religion that does not require you to infringe on the reality of those around you, then i actually admire you. maybe i would have admired jesus, had i known him. I probably would have detested John the Baptist.

(*And no matter how many books have been written, God is an imagined diety. You may believe in God with your very core, so to you he is absolutely real. My hunger may be very real to me, but you can't feel it, so it is unreal to you. even though you have experienced the same sensation.)

I understand your impression that i feel anger toward christianity, noodle. maybe it is a form of anger, but i see it as more a sense of.....resistance to assimilation? in america, we are hammered with christian values from every angle throughout our childhood. there is an underlying current of assumption that if you are american, and not actively involved in some other religion, that you must be christian. if youre not, your non religiousness is seen by the differences from christianity. it's the home team's religion.
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