Thread: Jea-lousy
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Old 11-08-2006, 09:38 AM   #112
Come Spoon With Me
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Raytown, Missouri
Posts: 48
Taking Care of Business

Rock Steady said:

As Selene mentioned, Mrs RS doesn't think intercourse is necessary, but intimacy is. She just recently realized that, for me, intimacy is really wonderful, but intercourse is needed every so often. The drought was especially pronounced for the 14 years following our second baby.

My reply:

First, I can't figure out how to quote someone, so forgive me on that.

Rock - I don't think that intercourse is necessary, but most certainly desirable. I'm more than happy to "do it" in pretty much whatever way. However, sometimes that is problematic, and in those times, intimacy without intercourse is better than no intimacy at all. I might actually not feel well one or two nights in a month, but mostly, I'm pretty much ready for it all.

Taking care of myself was an easier thing to do when I was working from home and the kids would go off to school and Els off to work. Now that I've been back at a 8-5 job for two years, I don't have the privacy to take care of much myself, and feel guilty doing so with Els in the house. I think that one person suggested I invest in a vibrator....I have quite a selection and more.

Just making sure that there were no misunderstandings.
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