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Old 12-03-2006, 06:52 AM   #1
~~Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.~~
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The Enhanced Political 2D

This political test is a little different than the rest. It has short descriptions of what the questions related to and links to help you better understand what exactly the result mean.
I was suprised by my result. I thought i

Your views call roughly the same amount of government with just a bit more liberty than we currently have in the United States today. Thus, your views are probably best served by a nearly equal mix of Democrats and Republicans in the legislatures, with just a few Libertarians thrown into the mix to nudge things in the direction of smaller government.
Note that I said just a few Libertarians. The Libertarian Party calls for far less government than you want. Think of a tub of cold bathwater. To get it warm enough to be comfortable, you add hot water, not ideal temperature water. Adding a few hot-blooded lovers of liberty to balance out the authoritarians in the legislatures is one way of getting what you want.
Freedom, equality, morality, nature,...these are all good things. All to often, political debate rages over which is more important. Synergies get overlooked. There is a better way, holistic politics. By looking at multiple values at the same time, it is possible to come up with creative solutions for the world's problems, solutions that make all the factions more happy.

Last edited by skysidhe; 03-26-2007 at 08:14 PM.
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