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Old 12-17-2002, 12:16 PM   #12
going nowhere slow
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Posts: 252
Re: Re: Sean Penn's letter to President Bush

Originally posted by Tobiasly

No justification? Seems like Mr. Penn is being awfully intolerant of debate here. Maybe we should have a town hall meeting or a nice fireside chat on whether Al Qaeda's actions are justifiable.
Although my specialty is primarily entertainment, and I rarely enjoy indulging in political and serious conversations as I suppose should be serious as the decisions of politicians effect our laws. And politicians wage wars, whether neccesary force to prevent further mishap or merely a hidden agenda. We are told that Al Qaeda's actions are the instigating reason for "stepping up" security and also for preparing for a possible war. My interest in disagreeing with such a notion is the very fact that "Rockin the Suburbs", was pirated work that was released on September 11th, 2001. I smell the putrid stench of capitolism combined with an element of opportunism and enough of an indicator that some Americans were aware of what was about to happen and did nothing to stop it. I think that really stinks, and will point out that even the final track of the cd is "Rockin the Suburbs". This was originally recorded in 1984, my vocal and piano work and I most certainly had no knowledge of any terrorist activity beforehand. 1984, for christ's sake. I believe that Mr. Bush truly is under the impression this Al Queda outfit is the group behind the WTC "bombings", but I have reasonable suspisions that americans are actually to blame. Excuse me Al Queda, where is my royalty check you evil evil non-english speaking do gooders! You are very bad for wanting to defend your land and your families knowing that you are not responsible for this most violent act of terrorism. I think that the Bush people should be made aware of this one fact alone. I believe they released my cd, pirated work per se and coincided it's release on a day when they knew somehow of what was about to happen to generate extra sales and not only am I working for slave wages to this very day, I am outraged that this matter has not yet been investigated by the FBI itself. I hope someone who knows Bush is reading this and passes it on, I want to believe that he is not the war monger I once suspected and accepts this information as reasonable cause to cool his jets and temporarily cease his efforts to have others sponsor a new world war. I want to know what the agent who pirated this work from myself had to do with the WTC "bombing". I can go one better and name this very individual!
"There never seems to be enough time to do things you wanna' do once you find them."-excerpt from Jim Croce's 'Time in a Bottle'.
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