Thread: Nintendo Wii
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Old 12-09-2006, 10:26 AM   #18
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 768
Games People Play

would people who play sports now (in a world where there are already console games, PC games, internet etc) stop playing in order to Wii.
Probably not.

I have nothing against Wii in general. But it is a little scary to see the kids not doing all the stuff I used to do as a kid, like just goofing around outside, throwing rocks at cars (other kids), building homemade bombs, riding bikes to your friend's house to look at his Playboy collection in the tree house, crawling into the abandoned building, making a jump for your bikes and getting injured from the same, skateboarding inside the halls of the local college, whacking chestnuts with a tennis racket over the neighborhood...things like that.
Things are never as good, or bad, as they seem.
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