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Old 12-18-2002, 06:11 AM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 5,075
Global warming is a fact as well.
And, as a parent it is solely MY RIGHT to teach my child about life as I see fit...not as you or the school sees fit. In fact, the schools have been teaching social awareness for some time now, and they've done such a bang-up job of it...we now have kids that can't handle failure or losing so they kill themselves or others, we now have 9 year olds getting busted for possession of pot, and we now have 10 year old girls getting gang-raped in class or turning up pregnant!!!! WHAT A SUCCESS! The school system can't even get reading,writing, and math right, and YOU trust them with your child's psychi? You don't have children, do you?
*sighs* Did i ever say you didn't have the right? Just as you are free to teach your poor, poor child whatever you want, I am entitled to think your opinions are farcical. Thank you for pointing out some of the worst cases you could find, I hope they make you feel better. I'm a product of the generation you're talking about a guess what, for ever fucked up kid there is usually a fucked up home environment. it's also a pretty low number, we all just got our VCE results back, I'm surrounded by and am one of thousands of happy, bright kids going into top uni places, the leaders and innovators of the future. On the other hand our socialist system is better funded than yours. What worries me is your jingoistic hyperbolic attitude, your blind fear and extreme examples point to a deeply coloured view of the world, I sincerely hope one day you can broaden your sadly myopic view of the world.

BTW I’m not sure if you’re part of those failed by your ailing school system you so viciously attack or whether we’re talking at cross purposes but don’t you mean psyche?

I'll let juju correct you on global warming.

Sorry headsplice but I *had* to jump in here. *You* may not understand Stephen Hawking, but some of us do. That though, is beside the point. Your rather inarticulate argument seems to be the old concept that science is a faith because most of us don't understand it. A true scientist has no faith in science, he merely follows the currant most likely theory (all science is theory) until a more likely one come along, the rules of physics might be overturned tomorrow and a scientist would have no problem with this. Science is dynamic and is not faith, religion is static. Science is theory based upon interpretation of the best possible evidence today, religion is faith in the intangible and abstract. For many science I agree is a form of faith, but science itself cannot be compared to religion, nor can people for that matter.
Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.
- Twain
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