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Old 12-26-2006, 05:34 PM   #11
Victim of gravity
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Originally Posted by Pangloss62
Appocalypto is a heavy-handed, cultural critique of today's Western society, especially its pernicious cities.
Nah, he is more obsessed with blood and pain than anything else. Anybody who has seen the statues of the martyred saints or crucifixes in the European churches can easily see where THAT comes from

If Mel were really so worried about the moral decay of the cities typical of our civilization, he would chuck that Hollywood mansion, luxury cars, and hot women he is so fond of and move back to the jungles of New Zealand. THEN we might think he is serious. As for his father, the old Nazi is no more typical of Catholic thought and prophesy than some of the repressed/obsessed early Christian writers are. Nobody would even know he existed if he did not have a rich and famous son. He is the same species as Sly Stallone's mother.
Everything you've ever heard about Fresno is true.
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