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Old 12-27-2006, 05:48 PM   #22
I wonder . . .
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: The Left Coast, a pretty good place to be.
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Originally Posted by chrisinhouston
Sadly, the charring on these bodies comes mostly fromt he subcutaneous fat cells, sort of like when you forget you put steaks or chicken on the grill and the when you take them off you hardly recognize what the are.

I wonder if Americans, who lead the world in obesity, would make better char then others around the world?
Uh, thanks for that visual. The description is almost worse than the pics!

This is one of my most nightmarish things. My dad was a firefighter. One time they were digging up the tanks of a defunct gas station. Something in a piece of equipment sparked and three workers . . . POOF. Right in my little home town. My dad had just gone off shift . . . as a volunteer firefighter he was called back to help put out the fire. I've often thought of what he must have felt seeing that and what a close miss it was.

When I was a kid there was a fire in a tunnel here. A tanker truck exploded. They showed a picture of a person sitting at the steering wheel of a car with a gruesome grin. It's like they never even knew what hit them and all that was left was the metal frame of the car and this person's bones.

I have hated tunnels ever since. And gas stations.

One time hubby let the tank overflow. We had no idea it was overflowing until we saw someone glance under our van. There was a huge flood of gas all around. I freaked, because all three of my kids were in the van. It took forever for the gas station attendant to find the neutralizer. Any little thing and we would have all been gone. Fortunately, the gas station led out to a parking lot that was slightly down hill, so we were able to push the van out of the gas flood without starting it . . . or making a spark.
Take time for silence. You never know what you might hear.
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