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Old 12-29-2006, 03:03 AM   #42
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Originally Posted by GuyNamedGuy
Setting a good example for the world is supposed to be the USA's *JOB*, for heaven's sake.
I don't remember seeing that in the Constitution or hearing it in school. Who determined that is our *JOB*?
Cutting CO2 emissions can't hurt anything. And we can still make some nice low and medium-tech jobs manufacturing and selling alternate energy technology, and making some export bucks would be really nice these days!
Lovely thought, but get real. How long do you think it would be before those "nice low and medium-tech jobs" were exported too? 30days?
And how many of these miracle cures would the third world buy? One, that's all they need to copy or contract a cheaper source.
The problem with the Mother Jones/Whole Earth view, is that it harkens back to a time when the capitalists cared about the country. Long gone, I'm afraid. Now it's the Buck, the whole Buck and nothing but the Buck.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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