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Old 08-18-2001, 05:21 AM   #22
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 85
Continuation of my original post in this thread

One more important point.. why I think civil war will come to Israel.

a) U.S. aid will dwindle/dry-up at some near point in future. Why? Well I think the more the spotlight shines on Israel's crimes against humanity.. more U.S. politicians will be uneasy signing on to aid packages.
b) The ultra-religious Jews in Israel do not have to work by law if they are considered a sort of life-time student (of Torah, etc.) and are on a sort of welfare. Let's face facts.. they do not participate in "family planning" at all and many couples have >5 children. Now compare that to your (more or less) secular Jewish couple who have none or 1 or 2 children. Now draw a chart of the ratio of working people to non-working ones.

How (without expanding U.S. aid, not even reducing..) can the %-wise shrinking working population support %-wise growing welfare one ?

Another point to consider.. immigration of Jews from former USSR and North African region is (has?) drying up. So less cheap (and many times qualified) workhorses! They (will) need Palestinian labor to sustain the welfare coffers!
Patriotism is for Losers
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