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Old 01-03-2007, 12:59 PM   #71
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
This site offers a free self-analysis section which although basic, is quite interesting. It does advertise a graphology course, but I've let my spam filter take care of that (heheheh)

Some extracts from mine that I found interesting/ relevant:
SG has a very unusual lower zone y loop. If the data input is correct, SG's y or g is large and opens up to the left side of the page. This is not a common trait, but the implications are very interesting. As you begin to study handwriting analysis, you will learn any loop indicates imagination. This lower loop indicates the amount of imagination SG has regarding sex and physical things. So, her lower zone stroke is large, so her sexual imagination is large and open. Furthermore, because the loop is incomplete and extends to the left, this indicates a particular fascination with certain aspects of sexuality that have not been fulfilled, yet. In a nutshell, SG is open to some very new ideas sexually and is willing to try anything once.
SG's true self-image is unreasonably low. Someone once told SG that she wasn't a great and beautiful person, and she believed them. SG also has a fear that she might fail if she takes large risks. Therefore she resists setting her goals too high, risking failure. She doesn't have the internal confidence that frees her to take risks and chance failure. This is perhaps the biggest single barrier to happiness people not believing in and loving themselves. SG is an example of someone living with a low self-image.
SG is a cumulative and procedural thinker. She likes to have all the facts before making a decision. She thinks or creates much like a brick mason, stacking fact upon fact... Like that brick wall, SG learns faster through visual demonstration than through quick verbal instructions... In an argument, she often loses to rapid thinking people because she is thinking thirty minutes later about what she should have said... She may learn new ideas at a slower pace than other "less detailed" people, but once she gets it, she can handle repetition. Some people hate jobs with too much repetition, she can handle it better than most.
The above is based on how I write my "m"s. It is wrong.
SG has an over-awareness of self. She often feels self-conscious. She fears ridicule, therefore she is careful not to place herself in a position to receive any ridicule. She wonders what people will think if she acts in a certain manner. When encountering a new group of people, SG may stay on the sidelines until she has the people categorized, or she may behave in a "positive attention getting" manner to assure people think good thoughts about her from the start.
Mostly true.
Most people with a severe leftward slant have some type of childhood trauma they have yet to work through… she has issues with trust and it is likely rooted in childhood. The first time someone angers SG, she probably will not say anything to that person at that time. However, she will mentally keep track of everything this person does wrong to her until she cannot hold her emotions inside any longer. Then; Boom! SG will cloud up and rain all over them.
There was a lot based on my slight left slanting uprights that simply wasn't true. The bit above is, but based more on my dislike of conflict than being introverted.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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