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Old 01-14-2007, 08:48 PM   #6
Hoof Hearted smell something?
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Monroe, GA
Posts: 420
On one of the horse discussion BBs I belong to, the subject of Horse Slaughter comes up regularly. IMO, I feel that horse slaughter is a necessary evil of the horse industry. We do not have a way to dispose of the unwanted horses (old, injured, lamed, maimed, de-saned, abused/starved, dangerous and can't-care-for-Dobbin-anymore). In many areas of the country, owners cannot bury their animal. Rendering plants are not always nearby. Landfills won't take such a large animal, cremation is extremely costly and sometimes, owners cannot afford veterinarian, euthanasia and disposal the sale barn and the killer buyer is a way out.
I am aware of our great cat/dog overpopulation, and I do my part to help change that by fostering and spaying/neutering our pets in addition to trap/spay-neuter/release for feral colonies I come in contact with at our property. ...most of the ferals are friendly now, and three are housecats with us...
I will admit that while I do view horses as livestock, and know that it happens...I would do my darndest to prevent one of MY horses from that end, though I would have no problem donating my horse's flesh to a zoo or animal rescue foundation to feed their dogs or large cats...I would hate to see our cat/dog overpopulation changed into a money venture by selling their flesh to foreign countries as food.
I have the ability of single-minded determination and focu...Hey, look! A horse!
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