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Old 01-02-2003, 05:54 PM   #131
Coronation Incarnate
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: U.S.A.
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Jaguar -
My husband IS a very scary Socialists and DemocRATS!!! He's a true American Patriot who leans to the right of the Religious right, and proud to let you know that "Red, White, and Blue don't RUN!"

You barfed out,"psychotic aircon installer who carries a bullet in case she needs to kill herself and wants to wipe out an entire population, probably to serve her own religious beliefs that she somehow denies having."
First of all, your interpretation and comprehension skills are ATROCIOUS!!!! Not to mention made-up...
Chalk it up to Socialist Schooling! Good for a fiction or sci-fi novel though!

If you can't tell the differences between my husband's posts and mine...that says it all! I've no further use for you! NEXT!

The biggest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the World that he didn't exist.
Keyser Soze
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