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Old 01-20-2007, 10:38 PM   #14
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Halifax, NS
Posts: 168
Hi Hoof!

For laminate, standing water is the worst enemy, i.e. a large amount that is not cleaned up, such as a leak. spilled water (or pawed water hehe) is a risk, but if you wipe it up quick it should not leave any damage. You should never use a regular mop. Even I get lazy and do it at home, but I know I shouldn't. It lays down too much water. Mops primarily serve to lay down HOT soapy water, because that helped cut the grease on traditional wax floors, but laminate floors have such a hard coating all you really are doing is loosening and lifting a layer- hence the no-rinse cleaners.

Hoof, if you have a slab you have to make sure that you follow any installation instructions TO THE LETTER. I suspect most manufacturers insist on vapor barrier over the slab, then high-quality foam underlay, THEN the floor (Dew collects under the laminate if not and dew=standing water= verrry bad). Most reputable dealers will honor any claim very responsibly if it is their fault, but one deviation from these instructions usually means you are SOL. BUT most self-employed installers will try to tell you they know all about "this" brand of laminate, so make sure they read the instructions in front of you, then ask questions. Also be careful to install the correct foam- you can buy a traditional foam for about $15-$20 per roll, but if you buy a brand name floor, i.e. Hercules, Torlys, Pergo, etc. it is usually not going to qualify you for the warranty. It can't take the long-term abuse.

It's Really Plain and Easy To See,
The Family grows like fungus on a tree.
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