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Old 08-21-2001, 01:55 PM   #30
Paramour of Paradigm
Join Date: Jun 2001
Posts: 42
whirled peas

jag, I honestly believe that those policy decisions that you pointed out are a matter of US cockiness. I think this administration and the last have the attitude of "We know best, trust us, we're America" and our current lack of involvement of those endevours is the US saying, "those treaties are because you are the offenders, not us, *scoff* WE are the United States of America, you can trust us to handle these issues on our own, the imortant thing is that you're following these rules we set out." It's arrogance.

I don't think the US "bullies", because the intentions are good ones, but that doesn't make the actions right. Quite the opposite actually. And forcing things through the united nations REALLY looks like bullying though.

I believe the US should stop all foriegn aid, resign from the security council, and interfere in international affairs only when requested to by our strongest allies and/or the united nations. Biggest and strongest, so what? A benevelent dictator is STILL a dictator.

I'll add that I think the ABM treaty is an artifact and doesn't have a lot of application in today's world, but that's a completely different argument, and it doesn't invalidate your point that the US's handling of that issue was cocky and arrogent.

That got long
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