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Old 01-25-2007, 08:59 AM   #66
Flocci Non Facio
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: In The Line Of Fire
Posts: 571
P.S.: Hippikos is silent on whether he wants America to win. Since I think I can show that America's cause is humanity's is Hippikos', this is curious.
I thought it was clear that such a simpleton question doesn´t really need an answer. The Iraq war is not a NBA game. War on Terror is a very complexed issue for which the US has only raised more questions than there are answers. It is not about the US, it´s the World who has to win. As it the situation is now, this US administration only makes it harder.

Humanity being the US cause is of course utter bollox. Pax Americana is the driving force, as you´ve showed with the PNAC and saying this: "Aliantha, what kind of situation is it where all of your fuel is controlled by your enemy?"
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.
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