Thread: Firefox
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Old 01-31-2007, 11:43 AM   #17
Goon Squad Leader
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mbpark, Undertoad, others:

I have ProcessExplorer and I'm stuck. I am using BackupExec and there are a couple of files that are not being backed up since they're "in use". They're worthless files to me, just tmp files. But I can't delete them, I can't back them up. They're that itch I can't scratch.

I got ProcessExplorer for just this reason, to find what process is "using" the files, and then proceed from there. Probably by stopping (temporarily) the service, then deleting the files, then restarting the service/process.

But I'm stuck, I can't seem to find out how to use PE to determine what's using the files in question. I need a clue, do you have one or more to spare? How do I find out what process/service is using a given file/handle?

Thanks very much in advance.
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