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Old 01-31-2007, 09:05 PM   #6
still eats dirt
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Tampa, FL
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The stupidity continues following an incident in which the city of Boston protected its citizens by detonating advertisements. A student that works for the advertising company has been arrested and charged with "placing a hoax device that results in panic".

“It is outrageous, in a post 9/11 world, that a company would use this type of marketing scheme. I am prepared to take any and all legal action against Turner Broadcasting and its affiliates for any and all expenses incurred during the response to today’s incidents. Boston will look to coordinate our efforts going forward with Cambridge, Somerville and any other affected agencies.”
So the city of Boston, instead of admitting they mistook a harmless set of lights for a bomb and tied up traffic for hours after announcing to the public that possible bombs had been planted around the city, pulls the "9/11 terrorism card"? And they're trying to tell us the advertising employee caused the panic?

You don't need to plant an actual bomb to bring a city to a halt, scare the public, and cause economic damage. All you have to do is hang a motherboard from a telephone pole or duct tape a flashlight to a bridge girder. That's essentially what this boils down to, right? If the police see something and don't know what it is, the default conclusion is that it's a bomb set by terrorists. And even if the package is harmless, if you're the person that left it, your ass is going to pay for causing panic.

Note to self: don't ever accidentally leave lunch box in the park, again.

I never thought the law enforcement organizations that protect our communities would be reduced to these types of unrealistic, excessive reactions. This is fucking ridiculous.
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