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Old 01-06-2003, 12:20 PM   #2
Disorderly Orderly
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 54
I agree w/ you that technology can hinder more than it helps sometimes, and I also am fervently against automated traps such as this. But I think that your blackout example is an extreme circumstance.

I think the blackout is more an example of human behavior: "hey, we're all in this crisis together".

Also, the modern city as it currently stands (dominated by car/truck traffic) absolutely needs traffic lights. Even the most basic of intersections gets completely backed up if the light isn't working, due mostly to the indecision of less-than-competent drivers when it's their turn to go.

Basically, we're going to have to continue to put up w/ bad drivers as long as teenagers, senior citizens and my wife continue to hold licenses.

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