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Old 01-06-2003, 06:57 PM   #11
Dog O'Nine Tails
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 20
" In the US, municipalities have tried putting cameras on traffic lights, catching people who are running the red light. They notice two things. One, revenue from traffic tickets goes way up. Two, safety goes way down.

Why: because locals learn to slam on their brakes to avoid getting ticketed, and voila: a dramatic rise in rear-end accidents at intersections. "

If people are getting rear-ended, don't blame it on the police. Someone isn't paying attention and/or driving too closely behind someone else.

Traffic fines are annoying, but running red lights is dangerous and there's no excuse for it. It's probably the most dangerous moving violation, right alongside running stop signs. Besides being rear-ended is not as fatal as t-boning someone.

Not that I don't find anything wrong with the Lockheed Martin arrangement.
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