Thread: Armed America
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Old 02-09-2007, 12:55 AM   #188
Urbane Guerrilla
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Spexxvet may actually have read Raging Against Self Defense on JPFO's website. He exhibits every one of the symptomatic patterns of thought as if he'd read the page and is now going down a checklist.

You'd like that, wouldn't you? You could change carreers, get into law enforcement, and finally get to kill someone - use that handgun you so intensely *need* to carry.
What will help Spexx become psychologically well adjusted? Precisely the thing he fears doing most -- and fears it so much he keeps it totally repressed: he must embrace the savagery that burns in his own heart, radiating through these fantasies of his (see above) about the gun and the gun people, and then find nondestructive outlets to express it. I can say from experience martial arts are one excellent way, as is SCA-type fighting/fencing with rattan swords; there is something so elemental about beating on somebody with a big ol' stick that it utterly satisfies any killer-ape urge you have. Thanks to the good armor the SCA wears, you can thrash the hell outta somebody and not hurt him, hardly a bruise. Meanwhile, and entirely in fairness, he's trying the same with you.

It's a rough and martial game, but in the process of exercising these killer faculties, the necessity of balancing them with civilized restraint becomes not only clear, but intensely desired by the practitioners of these violent arts also. The SCA, like the knights of old, speak of this simply as "chivalry," and this is clearly where all the ideals and ramifications of chivalry spring from.

Good soldiers in the combat arms, in particular the highly-trained SpecWar types, also find this balance.

Hunting game animals will also give outlet to this. Some, like the late Jeff Cooper, say that something life-and-death like hunting becomes through its seriousness something that is quite a sacrament -- Cooper has used that word -- and I suppose they have reason to. Personally, I'd have to shoot a few critters and get back to you.

But I would really like to convince handgun owners, and only handgun owners, that the world would be a better place without handguns.
Still subscribing to the Theory of the Evil Gun, I see. That subscription is how I know you're not rational on this topic. You've been getting the truth dinned into you from three different people who know each other only through the Cellar, and yet nothing do you learn. An anti-handgun view, Spexx, facilitates handgun crime, for the reason that the very same features of a handgun that make it attractive to commit crimes with also adapt the handgun as an efficacious defense against those very crimes. It then becomes a matter of who has a gun and who doesn't. You're asking me to be helpless in the face of a crime. That, Spexx, is pure, immoral, reprehensible and atrocious barbarism, and it is a barbarism I would not ever inflict upon you, yet you would afflict me with this atrocity?

Civilized? You? No. Not at bottom. But salvation is nonetheless at hand: see above.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.

Last edited by Urbane Guerrilla; 02-09-2007 at 01:09 AM.
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