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Old 01-07-2003, 11:53 PM   #40
Join Date: Apr 2001
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This particular cloneaid thing is i'm sure, bull. Smart move - talk about free PR for the cult.

People get scared about these things, the legislation will peter out as the science develops. It coudl cause some interesting legal situations - imagine if some countries put limits on 'cloned' people entering, or reproducing or something. I mean geeeez, that’s all we needed, another excuse to discriminate. Maybe they'll clone an army of black lesbian Rastafarians.

There are very, very significant scientific hurdles to overcome in cloning animals before any sane person would think about cloning a person. As i said, if they fuck up the first one, the outrage will push the science completely underground with knee-jerk laws and public outcry. Of course if they fuck up the first one, incinerate it and keep on trying.......*puts on tinfoil hat*

i think the artificial womb will be a far greater advancement than cloning, it will really force some interesting definitions on child ownership. i mean you can buy sperm and eggs of smart/attractive people. Imagine if you bought both and used a womb - is it really your child? What defines then whose child it is?

I'm wandering, i'm gonna shut up now.
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