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Old 02-10-2007, 03:39 PM   #21
Ronald Cherrycoke
Master Locutor
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 153
Originally Posted by tw View Post
Ronald Cherrycoke posts that because failure had happened, then failures must always happen. Same reasoning from Townsend and Richardo to run Chrysler into near bankruptcy. Same reason used by Roger Smith to claim failures are acceptable as he destroy American jobs and lives.

When GM managers went to Japan, they see assmebly lines without 25% of the products pulled aside for rework. Another Cherrycoke type claims Japan must be hiding their product failures? No. To that GM executive, failure was acceptable. Sound familiar, Ronald? It was a mindset common among WWI military commanders who would sacrifice millions to machine guns rather than admit the military commander was defective.

But again, Ronald Cherrycoke is demonstrating for all how a brown shirt thinks. It is normal and acceptable to have blue on blue? Failure is acceptable. It explains his contempt for the American soldier - as well as soldiers of NATO allies.

Clearly failure happened. The problem is not that failure happened. The problem is that a Ronald Cherrycoke mentality exists to hide the failure rather than address it and fix it. Blue on blue occurs do to human failures. The first step to avoiding it is to acknowledge it was completely avoidable. Ronald Cherrycoke, instead, assumes all failures are situation normal - SNAFU. That attitude is contemptable - explains why he also so hates the troops.

Ronald - this is the part where you learn about the world. Learn about why failure is not an option. Start by learning Deming and why failures are traceable only to those who all but want failures.

But again, Ronald Cherrycoke is demonstrating for all how a brown shirt thinks.

The only Brown Shirts I see here are the lefty Brown Shirts like you that parrot left wing propaganda talking points without checking facts. you would have fit right at home in Goebbles propaganda dept....or better yet Stalins...maybe you could get Winston Smith`s old job with the Ministry Of Truth.

Clearly failure happened. The problem is not that failure happened. The problem is that a Ronald Cherrycoke mentality exists to hide the failure rather than address it and fix it. Blue on blue occurs do to human failures. The first step to avoiding it is to acknowledge it was completely avoidable. Ronald Cherrycoke, instead, assumes all failures are situation normal - SNAFU. That attitude is contemptable - explains why he also so hates the troops.

But I do want to fix it.... and so does the military but like in life accidents are largely unavoidable.

Ronald - this is the part where you learn about the world. Learn about why failure is not an option. Start by learning Deming and why failures are traceable only to those who all but want failures.

Failures are not accidents...surely you have learned this in the world?
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