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Old 08-24-2001, 10:42 AM   #7
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jan 2001
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That is too funny Tony!

I remember when he pitched a fit about being drafted by then-Quebec in the early 90s. At that time, I remember that he ONLY wanted to play for a team in the US. And when he was traded to Philadelphia (and I knew of Philly's sports reputation), I thought, "My God...they'll eat him alive." That was a horrible trade for the Flyers, b/c all they did was give Colorado the pieces to their first Stanley Cup.

When I heard that the Blues were pursuing him in the spring, I nearly died. I'd much rather them have a hothead with a bad temper (Keith Tkachuk) than a big crybaby (Lindros).

My girlfriend can't understand how Lindros can essentially control his own destiny (his past after being drafted, and his lofty trade demands this time around). I advised her to look at what has gone down over the past year...I mean, the guy was held out of hockey for a year (which served him right). He'll be eaten alive in New York too.

There was only one team that seemed super-interested in him...and that was the lowly Islanders. Apparently, Nassau County wasn't suitable.

dhamsaic: I would definitely take note of the Caps this year. Jaromir Jagr is probably the best player in the game...and Ted Leonsis got him. I liked the way Leonsis has tried to hype the Caps since he bought them. I hated the time I spent in Washington, but I did develop an affection for the Caps. Not to mention, it doesn't hurt that Chris Simon and I kinda look alike.
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