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Old 02-16-2007, 11:49 AM   #140
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Send everyone to Milton Keynes aka Roundabout City. My ex used to get travel sick when we went to the cinema there, purely from the motion of navigating so many roundabouts. It was great for learning to drive though....

Back to the OT
Today it is people who are annoying me.
As usual the white noise that they let out of their mouths.

I was warm this morning. I admit it wasn't a warm day, but I was walking faster than usual. So I took off my cape and finished the journey to work in my 3/4 length sleeved top. Only to be asked by someone who had seen me, "Aren't you cold?"
"Yes, I am cold. I'm freezing. I'm punishing myself so that God doesn't have to kill any more kittens."

This floor isn't well populated. The staff who haven't left/ been redeployed often work out of the office. At least twice a day we get the comment, "Oh isn't it quiet here today! It's like the Marie Celeste! Where is everyone?" Being in a bit of a mean mood today I gave the last person to ask a rundown of exactly where each desk's inhabitant was (or wasn't). I think I'll just make a sign for next time:
Yes it's empty up here.
No it's not like the Marie Celeste.
Are you saying I smell of fish?
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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