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Old 03-14-2007, 09:43 AM   #94
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
A single parent is really screwed because they get no help with child rearing while trying to go to school for a better job.
This is a bit inaccurate, knowing the kind of financial aid single parents get, while a working young person who is trying to make it on their own, whose parents won't help, who have a car payment and an apartment, who pay their own insurance and generally take care of their lives can make very little money a year and not get a dime of federal or state grants. Also, a young person HAS to report parental income unless one of the following are true: They are 24 or older! They are married. They are orphans, wards of the court, or were until the age of 18. They are veterans or in active military service. OR, they have children for whom they provide at least 50% of the support. That support includes any welfare benefits. The only way out of providing parental information is through an appeal process that must include very well-documented third party proof of ABUSE or ABANDONMENT.The single parent, at this school, gets that one (or two, or three...)more "persons in household" that can make their school not only completely paid for...they get big refund checks from their pell grants every term. Some can quit their jobs when they add in some low interest student loans. Many make good of it, great to see. Many also try to become professional students,and when the feds finally say enough is enough...go to school the rest of your life but not on the govt's dime...they default on those loans with little to no repercussions.

Child care, too, is a huge component of the cost of attendance when figuring student aid.

I'm not saying single parents don't have it rough. I'm just saying the taxpayers without children foot a lot of bills (EIC where a student's total tax LIABILITY is NEGATIVE 6 grand or so on their tax forms is a great example) for these families. As far as I know, young single people didn't ask young single parents to have those children. Some single parents are victims of crappy circumstances...some make it a job and they get paid for it under all kinds of government programs...from housing to schooling.

Two not so hypothetical scenarios: (Please feel free to sub Johnny for Sally and vice-versa, because gender is irrelevant except for who actually bears children...I see single fathers often, too)

1) Johnny's parents are assholes. They treat him like a dog, and refuse to help him with anything. They don't abuse Johnny, they don't beat him...he's just a nuisance in their lives. Johnny moves out as soon as he can, living by flipping burgers at McD's. He works as many hours as possible to get enough money to live. Johnny knows he can do better, and decides to work on a nursing degree. Johnny applies for aid to help with school, and learns he HAS to provide parental information. At this point either a) parents refuse to provide info and JOhnny is fucked or b) Daddy works at GM making 35 bucks an hour and Johnny is fucked. His measly living and dad's paycheck are BOTH considered in the amount Johnny's "family" is expected to contribute to his education. Johnny is eligible for, at maximum...a 2625 student loan for the year, and only get this if his parents supplied info.

2) Sally lives in government subsidized housing, food stamps, govt health care. Sally made 1200 last year. Sally has two kids by the age of 19; her mother watches them most of the time. Sally decides to come to school. Sally reports the 1200 dollars she made last year, and the 2 kids. Sally gets an annual Pell grant of 4050, student loans up to 6625, state aid of 2190, TEAP funding of up to 1200, some other smaller grants. When all is said and done, Sally gets a refund check of a couple grand or more from the pell grant each semester. State grants are applied first and free up the federal pell grant funding which is given to the student...not to mention the 6625 loans she didn't need to touch for college expenses. Sally has tons of time to study: mom watches the kids. Sally flunks out and blames the college and the FA dept and the feds for not helping her out.

There are a million combinations of the above. Like I said, I see the good, I see the bad.

I love kids, I'm just saying there is a flip side to the poor single parent lament that I hear every day. Poor kids didn't ask for their circumstances, that's for sure, in either case.

Originally Posted by rkzenrage
happiness is a choice & irrelevant to this discussion
Not really...we're talking about the government's role in society's well being. Agree or not, it's a lot harder to choose to be happy when you have no food or clothes as opposed to say...making your next Lexus payment. But, if you feel this discussion is also irrelevant then feel free to cut and paste and start another thread.
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones who need the advice.
--Bill Cosby

Last edited by Shawnee123; 03-14-2007 at 09:58 AM.
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