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Old 03-17-2007, 02:35 PM   #7
The future is unwritten
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
Apache, as I recall, was another example of McDonnel Douglas engineering of that time. It took almost 20 years to get a working system (as was also true of the B-1, B-2, C-17, Osprey, etc also built by the same 'management' system). By the time it was 'corrected', Apache still would not work in Kosovo. Those Apaches mauled in Iraq were Longbows - best we had. ~snip
Different management.
The term, "Attack Helicopter" is misleading...... bordering on oxymoron. Elevated weapons platform would be more accurate.

The original design never was suitable for close cover, just stand off and shoot from a safe distance.
The longbow (recognized by the squashed globe mounted above the rotors) is an improved version that can target under much more adverse conditions and further away.

But that doesn't change the fact that helicopters don't endure flak as well as planes. It can't be done because the rotor blades which keep it in the air as well as propel it, are right out in harms way. There's no practical way to shield them and still work. They have to remain snipers.

aside...After years of nursing the A-10 fleet, duct tape and baling wiring them back together, and salvaging shot up junk because they were allowed to fix them, but not replace them..... somebody got their heads out of there butts, and approved an upgrade and refurbishment program. 'Bout time.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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