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Old 03-17-2007, 11:32 PM   #14
Posts: n/a
Affirmative action is racism and bigotry. It harms those it proposes to help by eliminating respect. A position given, not deserved harms all.

Pure separation of church and state should be fully implemented tomorrow, that it will hurt people's "feeling" does not matter and should not be taken into account.

Real history should be taught tomorrow, that is contradicts what kid's parent's were taught does not matter and should not be taken into account.

Marijuana should be legalized and the Government and AMA are conspiring to keep it illegal because the CIA and FBI are profiting off of importing and distributing it. (I have met people who know)
Those in the AMA and medical field that continue this ruse want people to suffer, yes want us to. If not they would publicly state the facts, they do not so they want those who need the relief to suffer. A fact.

Religion is delusion and simple mythology, no different than believing in Zeus, the Sun God Quetzalcoatl or any other "god". Why pick a popular one, why not a fun one like Kali where you get to sacrifice your neighbor?

Children should be taught at their talent level, not held back due to average age group limitations.

People who excel should get more.

"We are causing global warming and you too can make a difference" is a guilt based scam. We love to feel guilty.

Enforcing immigration law is not xenophobia or racism, it is just law enforcement & LONG overdue, nothing else.

Iraq was/is/will be about stealing oil.

The net is no different than real life, communicate the same.

Children should not be patronized... people say they disagree with this until they try to put it into practice.

If a politician is dishonest they should be charged with liable, slander or the proper law for the situation, every time. Yes, it would be practical, no we don't need that many secrets.

We have pure free-will/accountability.

Last edited by rkzenrage; 03-18-2007 at 12:25 AM.
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