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Old 01-20-2003, 07:03 PM   #15
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 13
Downhill from there

Originally posted by mlandman

If you're interested in contributing to an interesting debate or providing interesting conversation, then say something else besides this ridiculous statement.
Wow - you called what I said ridiculous. What a smashing rebuttal. And it was your best one, too, as we'll see...

BTW, assuption boy, I'm too old to volunteer and additionally, am not pro-war.
Oh - foolish me. Allow me to repeat myself. "If you're against it, I've mistaken myself." But I'm glad you pointed out you're too old as well. Just in case.

To me, the best option (yes, that means the one that I would favor above all else) would be the newly discussed option of Exile for Saddam and family, and *no* war. Unlike MANY protester's beliefs, America's desire is not to go kill Iraqi children. It's to change Saddam's regime, plain and simple. And if war does happen, I don't think it will go smoothly but it won't be anything like Vietnam, (of course, mostly due to technology), but the outcome WILL be different. (If you think Saddam's regime will still be in power at the end of the 'war', then you're wrong.) America might not 'win', if winning implies super low casualties, or status quo within the international community. However, the regime change in Iraq will happen, as opposed to what happened in Vietnam. If you believe that Saddam's regime will be in place after a full scale military conflict, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell.
Go team. Which paper did you read all this in? Or did you figure it out "yourself?"

What a nuanced foreign policy you have. Your "best option" is Hussein surrendering peacefully rather than defending himself. How erudite of you. You're clearly not after conflict at all.

I'm sure you're not concerned with what's happening in Iran, or Pakistan, or Israel/Palestine, or North Korea, or any of the other interesting "opportunity problems" that might be related to this conflict.

In fact, I'm sure if we get lucky and things don't turn ugly you'll be there, pointing fingers and blaming people for having considered any of the risks...

But it's all academic to you, of course... you're too old to fight.

By the way, did you read the article or visit the source of this media conspiracy? It's certainly not pro war and seems to be quite pro peace. Or is that just a front? Unless you believe that it's a front, I don't think you even LOOKED.
What are you even talking about? Did you even read what I wrote? I'm not complaining about an article - this is about people conflating criminals with peace protestors.

I'll add...
Griff said:

so one side assumes they're working for the gov
As I hope should have been clear in my post, I'm not making that assumption.

Last edited by option; 01-20-2003 at 07:41 PM.
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