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Old 03-19-2007, 12:23 PM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
It should be illegal to administer antibiotics to livestock, even if they are sick. Overuse of antibiotics is leading to resistant strains of germs. Each and every use of antibiotics around the world leads to this problem, so antibiotics should be reserved for humans only to slow the spread of resistant germs.

Since they aren't expanding it in other ways, I think they should remove all the seats in Metro, our local subway system. You would be able to fit more people in each car that way.

I think they should refrain from broadcasting sports on TV. I don't want to be seeing that crap. Get rid of daytime talk shows and reality shows too. Put adult ed classes on TV in their place. Maybe something on electronics. I've always wanted to pick that up.
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