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Old 03-21-2007, 11:44 AM   #20
Cuius testicles habet, habet cardeum et cerebellum
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Rotterdam city center
Posts: 15
Nope, we live in houses that are due for either deconstruction or improvement and pay a nominal sum for rent, this is mostly to discourage junkies and other vermin from moving in and burning the place down, overdose and lay undiscovered for a couple of months, or fire large handguns at their neighbours which is considered quite rude here. There are actually quite a few former squatters among us (including me before I, to my own eternal surprise found myself employed in law-enforcement and actually enyoing it) its a nice way of living, we have a lot of pleasantly weird people, artists and professional party-goers among us and usualy end up giving huge partys when we "take-over" a area.
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