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Old 08-29-2001, 08:18 PM   #10
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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Yeah, as a Flyers fan, I think Eric was right to not sign for Quebec, but I think over the years he's just gotten his way every single time until it just got to be too much.

The Flyers are a different kind of organization. If you are in their good graces, you really are treated as a family member. Loyalty to the organization pays off in spades. Hextall was given a scout position. Clarke is given leeway as GM - and it's his second time around in that role. Propp was put on radio even though he was terrible for it. Barber is now head coach after being carefully groomed for years.

If you go against the organization, though, you are cast off. The Lindros action is right in personality for the team.

As for Clarke, my pet theory is right along with Syc's... he still thinks he's a player. When Terry Murray called the team's disappointing playoff play "a choking situation", he was given the boot. Hey, coach doesn't like the team, he's gone! When various goalies just couldn't do it any longer - hey, you can't blame Hexy, he's the goalie! When trading for players to return to the team - hey we're gettin the old line back together! When teams playing the trap win year after year - we're not gonna play that pussy defense!

Same goes for a lot of the crap that went down around the Lindros situation, and Clarke just got lucky that the Rangers suddenly needed the guy. But I think the Flyers got so much more out of that deal, it's not funny. Of course the Rangers have always thrown away their young talent for aging fossils (which Lindros may or may not be). But a 28-goal scorer in his second season, and a mobile defenseman, and a highly regarded prospect? Awesome deal, man, see you in the cup finals.
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