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Old 01-21-2003, 01:38 PM   #4
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Originally posted by wolf
Are you sure that he wasn't just standing on top of that hill, and smushed wedding cake all over the bride's face? That justifies sending him ass-over-teakettle (now what's the origin of THAT little gem?) down a damn mountain.
At my wedding, the crowd was calling for mutual cake-smushing, but we'd agreed to just be cute and dab each other on the nose with it. One little "doot!" apiece and everyone went back to their seats.

As I passed the best man, he said something to the tune of "What, nobody gets cake on their face?" I took a small handful, said "Well, I wouldn't say that..." and got him right between the eyes with it. Nobody else caught it until it was over with (my mom took a picture of Rick wiping off his forehead several seconds later), but we got a kick out of it.

Especially if he gets any of the cake on the dress.
Aw, c'mon, it's not like she's going to wear it again...
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