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Old 01-21-2003, 10:07 PM   #32
Sir Smed to you.
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Trenton, NJ
Posts: 28
It's not's freakish and should be tolerated no more than a woman running around with a roll of socks in her trou emphasizing a psuedo-penis.
I can't say it's wrong.......however I can have a strong opinion questioning it's validity as art or fashion.

If your going to bust my balls about my opinion...that perhaps you don't agree with.....that's fine. But unless your a MAN who wears outfit's that emphasize your BOOB's, dont talk to me about my understanding of sexuality. I'm not reading shit about Transvestites....I have no time for that drivel...furthermore, I don't give a shit about how they feel and what they like to wear.

Lastly....your a boob wearing she-man, aren't you?
Go hang out with all of the other boob-men here at the Cellar.
I have no time for this degenerative conversation.

Originally posted by Stress Puppy
I gotta say, Smed, you don't understand. You should probably read some information on Transvestite/Transgender/Homosexuality/Sexuality in general before forming society-biased opinions. I mean really, you're spazzing out because someone likes something other than what you think should be liked. How can you say that someone's preference is wrong?

Anyway, a Transvestite probably isn't confused about their sexuality. Indeed, they probably understand it better than you understand your own, as they've obviously done enough thinking about it to realize that they feel more comfortable in women's clothing than what would normally be worn by men (which is a concept I think is stupid anyway. Anyone should wear whatever they feel comfortable in anyway, not what society says they should wear because they have certain bodyparts)

Also, some men do have 'breasts'. Not in the literal sense, obviously, since they don't have the mamory glands (Though I wouldn't rule out that possiblity either), but maybe they were overweight and didn't lose the flab from their chest.

Basically what I'm trying to say here, is that you should just do what you want to do, and let other people do what they want to do (within reason), and not take it personally when someone doesn't think like you. I think you'll be a lot happier that way.
---->> smed

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