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Old 03-23-2007, 12:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
What is the deal with toasters?

What is the deal with toasters? Does anyone here have a toaster that still works that they bought more than oh, 8 years ago? If so, what kind is it?

I've tried spending just a little money on them or spending a lot of money on them, and they all break after 2-5 years. Cheap $15 toasters last 2 years, but $70 ones only last 5 years. Do you have to buy one of those $200 toasters to get one that will last ten years or more?

Our (extended) family has a summer cottage. In that summer cottage is an old toaster with a cloth insulated cord. Must be from the 1940s. It is slow, but that thing still makes perfect toast. So I know it can be done.

Does anybody make a decent toaster that will last?
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