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Old 01-22-2003, 01:13 PM   #44
Sir Smed to you.
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Trenton, NJ
Posts: 28
Re: Re: Re: Just an observation....

Once again....someone has implied and overlayed opinions regarding my ORIGINAL post.


Homos, Transvestites....any other individual wearing whatever...dressing like whatever.....looking like whatever...I dont give a shit. MAN BOOBS...I hate.

As far as my's empty.

Don't you people have jobs ?

Originally posted by Dagney

Would be a bit difficult for me to wear man-boobs, seeing that the ones I carry around are genuine, grade A, XX chromosome, estrogen enhanced, home grown, permanently attached, girl flesh.

But on a 'serious' note, and I say this without implied humor, smilies, or otherwise; Why the heck does it matter to you if a man wears falsies, or a woman leaves her house packing a little bit more than she was born with? Granted, there are a lot more plain ole vanilla, missionary position, sex once a week if there's no good movies on cable couples out there than there are non 'mainstream' people around, but if they're not in your bedroom or your personal space, why should it matter?

Or is there a latent fear that you can't quite come to terms with lurking in your closets?

Bashing gets no one anywhere, and in the long run, will only end up reducing society to the least common denominator. I for one won't be party to it. I'm just hoping that if you have children, you raise them with an open mind, and to accept differences as what they are, variations in the human condition, not something to be mocked, scorned and hated.

Or should we look for you on the news sometime in the future?

(who's kinda proud of her girl-boobs today)
---->> smed

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