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Old 03-28-2007, 07:36 AM   #56
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
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Originally Posted by freshnesschronic View Post
I'm sorry I'm so dense but I think there is a generation gap issue...I'm in college and everyone of my friends picks up their fone 24/7. Maybe not for working middle aged office people. When you're in college, cell phones are the medium to the outside and inside world. When you're not on the Internet, you're still connected to you're cell phone. So don't assume like everyone knows what it's like to be in college in 2007. Cell phones are seriously life. I talk to my friends at least an hour a day just planning to meet them wherever or whatever. Everyone of you is like "it's convenience, because I'm 50 and I'm busy at work and blah blah" but no you don't understand college kids now. Cell phones are not a convenience to me (or HER), it is a way to be connected to everyone all the time. I don't mean to offend anyone, but the rules of the game have changed since your higher education. No more typewriters. We have laptops. So please trust me as I say cell phones are so much connected into college students everyday needs and communications.

Yo, Dude! Everyone is texting everyone else that they are all going to jump off a cliff! You coming, or are you lame?

Seriously, I understand that things are different for youth these days. ("Now, you kids with your loud music and your Dan Fogelberg, your Zima, hula-hoops and your Pac-Man video games... People these days have attention spans that can only be measured in nano-seconds!")
But don't be so may as well be pushing her off a cliff. Maybe she's (gasp) reading or studying and doesn't want to hear how Joe told Bob that they were going to play hacky-sack but Gina said Joe can't go because he promised to take her to Burger King for dinner and so Jimmy said Joe was whipped and Joe punched Jimmy and Shannon told the RA and everyone got written up..."

Nothing worse than clingy possessive partners; it makes you feel like you're dealing with a 5 year old.
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones who need the advice.
--Bill Cosby

Last edited by Shawnee123; 03-28-2007 at 07:51 AM.
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