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Old 01-23-2003, 05:56 PM   #35
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally posted by Undertoad
But Ms. Thomas-Laury, as a proven talent in a major market, probably brings in about $250,000 a year. Mr. Howard, as a newly-hired-away major anchor, probably brings in $500K. At that level they are expected to know how to pronounce "Azerbaijan" but they don't need to know where it is.
That may be true. Local Gossip news reporters may need not know the news to make big bucks. But the great news broadcasters got that way because they knew enough about news to openly challenge every reporter. Ted Koppel is a prime example of what an anchor must do.

Classic example is Walter Conkite. He was not the kindly gentleman we thought. He was a reporter's worst nightmare - or best boss one could ever have. Walter got the story right every time because it was his job. He held reporter's feet to the fire.

Ten years to the day, CBS replayed Walter's broadcast about 3 Mile Island. Entire broadcast devoted entirely to the meltdown. With but days to figure out what had happened, and with GPU outrightly lying and intentionally providing disinformation, Walter's reporters got the event down correct and accurate. Why? David Halbersham delineates examples of what an anchor (including Cronkite as example) does in his book 'The Powers that Be'.

A news anchor is the best reporter who also makes every reporter do more than they thought they could. However I saw Liza Thomas Laurie do a three part report on lost airline baggage. What a waste of electricity! She could not report how a cat got stuck in a tree. It shows in how Actions News reports. Maybe those with an IQ of 90 could not see it. But anyone with an IQ of 100 has to be asleep or locked in prision to waste time watching Action News foolishness.
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