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Old 03-28-2007, 03:18 PM   #107
Extraordinary Machine
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Originally Posted by Shawnee123 View Post

NOTHING more frustrating? NOTHING? Wow, to be young again.
Depends on the situation -- for instance, if it's snowing outside and you need to call your boss to ask if the office will be open and you can't get a hold of him on his phone. Or if you're mad at your S/O and want to yell at them but can't get through.

Having been in a long-distance relationship for a long time with the man I now live with and am planning to marry, I know that it produces a lot of anxiety when the person you love is far away and you can't get in touch with him. When we were long-distance, we knew each others' friends and families but not in the way that we would have in a conventional relationship -- if he'd been in an accident or something, it's unlikely that I would have found out right away. So you do worry, especially when someone said they would call, and then doesn't.

That said, even people who are very much in love need a break from constant connectivity sometimes. I sometimes don't answer my phone or leave it at home because I want to really enjoy what I'm doing, say if I'm going to a museum or hanging out with a good friend. It's harder to experience life directly if you know you're going to be interrupted by pointless phone calls asking what you are doing (that's a pet peeve about my bf: he ALWAYS says "whatcha doin'?" when he calls anyone on the phone. What if they're doing something private?).

I just graduated from college myself, and am very aware of the college culture where you're expected to answer your phone all the time. Everything happens at the last minute, so you are likely to get a call saying something like "Hey I got an extra ticket to the Kanye West show tonight and it starts in half an hour! Come with me!" and if you don't answer the phone, you miss the opportunity. On the other hand, during my first week of college I remember walking home from a show that I'd gone to by myself thinking about how amazing it was that for the first time like ever, no one knew where I was and no one had the right to know. I could have been anywhere. And I think that freedom is an important part of the college experience, too.
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