Thread: Narcissism
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Old 03-29-2007, 10:24 AM   #19
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
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So often on forums or tv or overheard conversations I hear teens stubbornly refusing advice in the belief that they know what they want and that's the most important thing. Forget what other people say, especially older people, they will follow their gut instinct because they know it's right.
Umm.....I seem to recall that being standard m.o for most teenagers when we were kids SG.

I really don't think the difference between the generations is so might feel like it; but our parents felt the same way about the gulf between them and us (Remember all that Generation X stuff? Disaffected youth, Panic on the Streets of London etc etc.) This is what every generation grows up and looks on in horror at the kids coming up behind it.

You are right I think about the level of get way more choices now, they are bombarded by it. But just as having limited choices had a positive effect on some kids, and having absolute choice has a negative effect on some; the reverse is also true. There were kids who reached adulthood and were unable or unprepared for a world in which choices had to be made....there are children now who grow up and know exactly how to navigate their choice filled world to best effect.
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