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Old 04-07-2007, 06:01 PM   #5
Master Dwellar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 4,412
1 - What would you make the legal drinking age?
2 - Driving age?
3 - Age of sexual consent?
4 - Voting age?
5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)?

I would put together some sort of basic knowledge and skills tests to see if the applicant for these activities was ready.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) would be legal?
- Pot
- Tobacco

- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Other? Mushrooms.

7 - Can people have guns?NO!!!

8 - What would be the name of your country? Xrqhltv ( I think a lot of places catagorize you if they can pronounce your name)

9 - Would you have the death penalty? Isolation, not death. They would be treated like the criminals in Escape From NY. All lumped together, separate from us to fend for themselves. Only major, violent offenders. Minor offences would result in fines, community service and the wearing of some type of symbol like a scarlet "A" so others would know not to speak or associate with them until the sentence was complete.

10 - What would be the speed limit? Only electric cars and 30 mph unless for an emergency.

11 - What types of religions would be permitted or restricted? Each to their own and they could NOT in any way influence how the country was run.

Which of the following would be legal:
12 - Porn?
13 - Prostitution?
14 - Polygamy?
15 - Homosexuality?
16 - Stem cell resurch?
17 - Human Cloning?

21 - Fishing?
22 - Eating meat?

24 - Unisex bathrooms?
25 - Suicide?
26 - Gay marriage?
27 - Abortion?

28 - What types of sexual activity (if any) would be illegal? None beteween consenting people who have passed the test mentioned above.

29 - Would your county be clothing optional or clothing mandatory? Optional.

30 - Would you have obscenity laws? No.
31 - What system would you set up for collecting taxes? Barter system

- Income tax? Barter with the "government. Trade a certain portion of your time each year to the betterment of the country.

- Sales tax? none
- Import/Export tax? None

32 - What criteria would someone need to pass to become a citizen? Obey the rules as stated here.

33 - What types of people would you allow (or not allow) into your country? All are welcome if they follow the rules.

34 - What type of government would you establish? See all of the above. No formal government. Just people hired to run the country like a business with the population as the board of directors, able to hire and fire the ones in charge.

35 - To what degree would your government be allowed to censor or restrict the media? None.

36 - Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions would you like to establish? For example - taking shoes off before entering someone's home. Or not eating with the left hand. If it feels right and doesn't hurt anyone, do it.
Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and the world laughs AT you.
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