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Old 02-04-2003, 12:33 PM   #1
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
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2/4/2003: Bird crap art

Another in the IotD series playing with the edges of what art is and what can be considered art. Now, I admit up front that I take a pretty liberal view of this. I think anything that could be considered a creative attempt to cause some kind of stirring in one's self or others is art, and all our attempts to say something is NOT art is sometimes proof that an item IS art.

It might not be GOOD art, but that's another topic entirely.

This, however, touches the limit of even my sensibilities. A site called The Museum of Non-Primate Art includes three sections: Why Cats Paint, Dancing With Cats, and Bird Art. The Bird Art section includes the online exhibit "Bird Works of Great Britian (sic) and Europe - Significant works of Windshield art from the MONPA Collection" and sadly, it's exactly what you might think.

The site contains absolutely no evidence that it's tongue-in-cheek, and I'm pretty good at detecting that kind of thing.
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