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Old 02-04-2003, 06:44 PM   #33
Disorderly Orderly
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Northern Virginia/DC
Posts: 53
Originally posted by jaguar
Nice rant. Pity you missed my point entirely,

My issue was with elspode's "Humanity needs it". Which, as I stated, as far as I’m concerned, is bullshit. ... This idea that all of us need some mostly abstract intangible goal to make ourselves feel better, than the human race needs some idiotic goal of putting something or someone somewhere that requires allot of work for the good of the mental well-being of all people. Thus, what I was saying, ableit inarticulately, was that I, don't need that, nor do I believe many other people do.

Man has always explored, for as long as we can determine. It's not really that "humanity" so-to-speak, needs it, it's more that it is the will of man, the dream. We explore the seas, the skies, the mountains and forests, the woods in our back yards, volcanoes, and space. Space, since now we have the technology. Man dreamed of going to the moon or into space for as long as we can determine. We can do it now so why not?

We have been to the moon. What did we learn? I don't know all the answers, but I have touched the moon rock at the Air and Space Museum every single time that I've gone there, it's a favorite... to touch the moon. Is that useful? Maybe not, but we did learn what the moon is composed of, and made a "giant leap for mankind".

Does humanity need this? No. But Man, Yes.

Did we need to go to the North or South pole? Did we need to dive deep to the wreck of the Titanic? Did we need to climb Mount Everest? Humanity does not get anything from these achievements, overall. But Man, Man accomplished this, that is just a bit different. Man has been there, left his foot print, (except Titanic wreck), and returned to tell the story, or bring back an artifact.

That's what exploration is about. Yes, I agree, it's fascinating, and good does come form it, me beef was that you said... effect on my life...

It has had an effect, whether you know it or not.

That's all. Sorry for the rant, as you put it, I was mad, OK?


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or... the one. -- Spock
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