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Old 04-20-2007, 04:27 AM   #220
Soul Duck
Join Date: Apr 2007
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Posts: 485
There was also genocide in america by the government towards an armed native american population and most of them died anyway. If you want to prevent genocide then the civilized nations of the world should be proactive in preventing monsters like hitler, stalin, saddam etc. from coming to power or staying in power.

As for automobile deaths, what does that have to do with guns? It is not a numbers game and it isn't realistic to compare the two. You cannot ban cars and they are not made as weapons. Just because one has a greater number of deaths per year does not mean the lesser is ok.
Also pointing out college campuses have gun control doesn't mean anything since anybody can walk off said campus, go buy a gun and then walk back on the campus and kill at will.
I understand the pro-gun argument and believe most american gun owners are good people but making guns so available in a nation makes it that much easier for the bad guys to get them.
America should not only ban it's guns but make sure anybody who is ever convicted of a violent crime, never see the light of day ever again.
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