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Old 04-23-2007, 12:12 PM   #5
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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One square per visit?
Two-three is a pesky occasion?

I am assuming this is a joke that has been taken seriously by a gullible journalist...? I hope so. Either that or you have some kind of uber toilet paper over there that you are not sharing with the rest of the world.

One square barely soaks up the drips after I've had a wee. And I keep myself very tidy down there - I imagine the square count would be much higher if I was fully furred. And using two-three squares in the pesky event of having a poo... well anyone who has discovered they are down to the end of the last roll after they've committed will tell you it isn't ideal. Putting your finger through the sheet anyone?

Bleuch - I agree that many people use an unnecessary amount, but there are much more pressing issues to be discussed. And when you do choose to discuss it, at least be realistic. I'd rather she suggested the Arab way of using water (and sometimes a cloth) than an unrealistic ration of the existing tools.
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